Take These Steps Before Buying A Home

You may not think you can afford a home of your own in your early 20s, but if you’ve been saving and you take these steps, homeownership could be in your near future.
Decide Where You Want To Live – If you’ll be moving a lot early in your career, it’s best to wait to buy your home. But if you know where you want to spend at least the next five years, it’s easier to hone your home search.
Calculate How Much Home You Can Afford – This can be based on how much you have saved, how much of a down payment you can make, and how much you can afford in monthly mortgage payments. A mortgage professional at your credit union or financial institution can help you determine this amount, as well as how much you’ll need for a down payment.
Build Your Credit – Your credit score has a lot to do with the amount you can afford to borrow. Make sure you get your credit report and have no knocks on your credit. Pay your bills and credit payments on time and clean up any marks you may have so you can get the loan you need.
Get Pre-Approved – Talk with a mortgage professional to get a loan that fits your budget, so you don’t overpay or buy too much home for your money.
Stay On The Right Path – It may take a few years to build up the money or credit to buy, but if you don’t stray financially from your path and you’ re determined to reach your homeownership goal, you could be getting the keys to that home on your schedule.